1.1 This standard operating procedure outlines the method for the purchasing.
2.1 It is applicable in Purchase Department.
3.1 Warehouse Officer
3.2 Purchase Officer
Ø For some types of materials (like excipients, shippers etc.) purchase order is raised by the department and approved from director and sent to the supplier directly.
Ø For purchase of machinery purchased order is raised against already approved quotations and sent to the supplier.
Ø For printed packing materials like cartons, labels and leaflets etc; demand is sent to Executive Director in the form of printing order through general admin. Executive Director decides which printer will print the packing material.
Ø Sectional Incharge raises the purchase demand on triplicate purchase demand book (QR / CW / 003 / 01) for miscellaneous item.
Ø Head of the department verifies the demand.
Ø Director approves the demand.
Ø Purchaser goes to the market and purchases the materials and goods from already approved suppliers.
Ø Raw Material ware house officer receives the materials & goods and sends request to Q.C. for testing of raw materials & packing materials and prepares GRR(QR / RMS / 004 / 01).
Ø Miscellaneous items are physically checked by the warehouse officer.
Ø Warehouse Officer issues the materials to relevant departments on indent book (QR / CW / 012 / 01) and packing material requisition book(QR / PN / 017 / 01) and raw material requisition book (QR / PN / 022 / 01).