Sampling of hazardous materials should be done in the quarantine area incoming with the safely standards, using masks, gloves and respirators by Q.C. personal. The samples should be properly secured in containers and labeled to indicate the relevant details.
Testing of these chemicals must be performed by trained analyst who is aware of GLP and safety aspects. The status labels e.g. approved / rejected should be pasted as soon as the testing is completed and the material is then removed from the quarantine to the proper storage area.
The solvents should be handled / used very carefully during production operations. The operators must be trained for handling the material and must wear all necessary protective gadgets during processing. The departmental head would be responsible for their proper handling and use.
Transportation of hazardous material / solvents should only be made in closed containers which if palletized must be security placed to avoid spillage and accident.
The solvent store should have a quarantine area, a rejected material area and a dispensing area. The drums / containers should be properly arranged and container to container bonding should be made to avoid static charge to develop.
The general handling procedure of hazardous material depends upon the following and the production, warehouse and Q.C.D. personal should be aware of it.
Nature of hazard which can be chemical resulting into toxic, irritant, corrosive flammable or non flammable effects.
Severity of effect can either be high, low or mild.
Effect on human body – ingestion, inhalation or the contact with skin and eyes affects badly to human beings. There could be two risks such as fire and health while handling the hazardous material.
Fire / explosion of outcome of fire due to spark, flame or heat. To control the fire risk removal of flame or ignition source e.g. electronic spark, electrostatic charge or short circuiting must be looked into.
Provision of fire fighting equipment as the emergency response system.
If a substance is declared hazardous it is important to find out what health risk is expected from it, the usual risks are:
Eye – avoid making contact with eyes, wear goggles and in case of contact wash with plenty of water and seek medical help.
Skin – wear in previous clothing / glove. In case of contact wash thoroughly and change contaminated clothing for washing.
Inhalation – use proper masks during handling, if inhaled remove the victim from the site to fresh air and ask for medical help.
Ingestion – for safety purpose it is advised not to eat / drink near the chemicals while handling.
There should be NO SMOKING around the area and NO SMOKING signs should be appropriately displayed.
Keep the area cool and ventilated and store the material away from direct sunlight and heat.
Keep the containers tightly closed.
While handling the material it has to be taken into account whether the material is on laboratory or production scale in their case it must be handled by:
Wearing proper impervious clothing.
Wearing gloves suitable for chemical resistance and antistatic.
Wearing goggles and face masks where necessary.
Removing all source of ignition so that there is no danger of fire.
Using masks with filters is dust of fume generation. If the dust or fumes are harmful use breathing apparatus and avoid breathing and avoid breathing directly.
Eating chewing and drinking should be avoid.
If there is any spillage during handling it should be immediately cleaned and wiped off. It is advisable to wash the area with plenty of water, mopped to dry and ventilated for fresh air.
Some solvents have chemical affinity with other substances and when combined produce hazardous situation. In such cases the chemical compatibility with other chemical should be known and these must be stored separately.
Proper labeling of the solvents is extremely necessary to indicate their properties, health and fire hazards and important for recognized and evaluating the hazards, the label must contain the following.
Product Name
Chemical Name
Chemical Formula
Manufacturer’s Name
Supplier’s Name
Physical Properties
Boiling point _________ Flash point __________ Fire point_________
Explosion limit
Susceptibility to heating
Product formed in case of fire
Suitable fire extinguisher
Handling Precaution
Transport Precaution
Storage Precaution
Chemical Properties
First Aid recommendations in case of
Eye’s Contact
Skin Contact
Recommended safely wears
The general methods of controlling environmental factors which may cause sickness or significant discomfort to the staff include the following.
Change or alteration of a process or work operation to reduce the number of persons exposed.
Adoption of methods to reduce fumes or dust generations during production operation material handling.
Isolation or enclosure of a process to reduce the number of persons exposed.
Local exhaust facility to be provided at the dispensing stage or dust generation point.
Efficient ventilation system to be provided for safe atmosphere.
Use of protective devices / clothing to be emphasized.
Adequate waste disposal and good house keeping to be exercised.
Substitution of less harmful chemical for processing to be looked.
Control into methods and their follow up to be exercised.
Training and education of personnel involved in handling of the hazardous material plays an important part in controlling the environment factors and to avoid the health and fire risks.
A periodic medical checkup of the staff is also important who are involved in handling the hazardous material.