Thursday, May 21, 2009

Drug Returns and proper management of returned drugs.


1.1 The purpose of this standard procedure is to establish an effective system of Drug Returns and proper management of returned drugs.

2.1 It is applicable in Finished Goods Store.


3.1 Q.C. Manager
3.2 F.G. Store Incharge
3.3 Account Department

4.1 F.G. Store Incharge receives returned drugs along with covering letter from the marketing office.
4.2 F.G. Store Incharge enters the returned drugs on the stores return voucher QR/028/01.
4.3 F.G. Store Incharge puts up the entry of returned drugs along with return voucher No. in the return Bin Cards.
4.4 F.G. Store Incharge Checks the reason of return stated on covering letter and takes the corrective measure as follows.
4.4.1 If the returned drug is expired, it is requested to destroy and following the procedure, it is destroyed properly.
4.4.2 If the returned drug is claimed for potency, F.G. Store Incharge requests Q.C. for analytical report.
4.4.3 After the arrival of Q.C. Analytical Report F.G. Store Incharge handles the drugs accordingly.
4.4.4 F.G. Store Incharge reports the finance department which makes the credit note against the return voucher in the name of customer if needed.
4.4.5 The replacement of drug is done according to the company policy.


5.1 Every drug to be returned should be documented.
5.2 Every drug to be returned should be placed in a separate identified area.
5.3 Every drug to be destroyed should be kept under lock and key with proper documentation.
5.4 Every activity performed with the returned drug should be documented according to the sop strictly.